1. What is a stored value card and how do I redeem this? How do I pay for this monthly stored value card subscription?A stored value card is what Amazon uses to transmit your monthly service payment to the wireless carrier you select to apply towards cellphone service for your selected plan. We, Amazon, will charge your preferred payment method the same amount each month for the stored value card subscription which will be automatically applied by your carrier to your wireless account to pre-pay the next month’s cellphone service charges. You do not need to do anything. The stored value card subscription will automatically renew monthly until cancelled.
2. Do I have to purchase a wireless carrier monthly stored value card subscription to purchase this iPhone?Yes. A wireless carrier monthly stored value card subscription is required with the purchase of this iPhone.
3. Will my new iPhone be packaged with the new SIM kit?No, they are packaged separately.
4. Is this iPhone locked to a wireless carrier?Yes, this iPhone is locked to your selected carrier meaning it will only work on that carrier’s wireless network. Please refer to your selected carrier's website or customer service for more information on the duration of the device being locked.
5. Is the stored value card subscription applicable for any carrier plan? Can I add additional features to my service?No. The stored value card subscription is only applied towards the wireless plans specified in the offer you select. This stored value card subscription automatically renews every month for the wireless service you select. You cannot add or remove additional carrier services with the plan you select.
6. What will I see in my cart when I add this item to cart?You will see 3 items in your cart: the iPhone, SIM kit, and stored value card subscription.
7. Can I cancel the stored value card subscription?Yes, you may cancel at any time. If you have already activated the service and you cancel your subscription, you will be able to use the wireless service through the end of the current service cycle for which you have already paid. For example, if your service cycle starts on the 15th of every month, you will be charged for a stored value card that will be applied to your wireless account 3 days prior to that service cycle (i.e., on the 12th of the month). If you cancel prior to the 12th, then you will not be billed for the next month's service and you will be able to use your wireless service until the 15th of this month. If, however, you cancel between the 12-15th after already having paid for the next month's cycle you will be able to use the service through the 15th of next month before the service terminates. Once you cancel the subscription, you will not be billed for any more monthly charges. You also will no longer receive the monthly credit to your Amazon gift card balance. If you change your mind after cancelling, you can restart your service within 60 days of cancellation and keep your existing phone number. If you want to resume the service after the 60-day period, you will need to purchase a new subscription and receive a new SIM kit resulting in a new phone number.
8. Why am I not being charged taxes on my monthly stored value card subscription?The stored value card is similar to a gift card, the amount of which will be automatically applied to your wireless carrier account. They are not taxable; and all sales and telecommunications taxes will be determined by the wireless carrier when it is applied to your account.